Top Ten Reasons
Top Ten Reasons in favor of a “Pre-Trib Rapture”
The Church will not be here for the Tribulation period because: ----
10. Church must be in heaven for marriage supper which happens during the 7 year tribulation period.
9. the H.S., our comforter, is removed from earth and Jesus promised to not leave us comfortless.
II Thess 2.7, Jn 14.18 so for this reason we, the church, leave along with the Holy Spirit.
8 The Rapture is sudden, secret & without warning ‘as a thief in the night’ .
7. The word ‘church’ does not appear between Rev Chapters 4-19.
6. The trib. is known as ‘the Wrath of God’ and we (the church) are not appointed to wrath (I Thess 5.9)
5. when John in Rev 4 heard the trumpet and words “Come up here”, John typifies the church going up.
4. God is a loving God and would never permit his people to go through the most difficult period in the history of this earth.
3. Because both Noah and Lot were taken out before the big destruction and we have Jesus’ own words to say it will be so when he returns.
2. Jesus will return when we do not expect him Mt 24:44. If he were to come back during or at the end of the tribulation we would be expecting him.
1. God will be dealing with Israel during that final 7 years which really belongs to the dispensation of Law. The church would just be in the way.
Top Ten Reasons in favor of a “later than Pre-Trib Rapture”:
The church will be here during the tribulation because:
10. We have a commission to reach all the world with the gospel – down to the last minute –Mt 28:20
9. Jesus needs to have a ‘spotless’ bride. Daniel 11:35, 12:10, Rev 19:7,8
8. She will not be raptured until the last (7th) trumpet. I Cor 15:52
7. Jesus told his disciples (part of the early church) that they would need to be prepared for this time:
Mt 24:12-14
6. Our ‘gathering together’ (rapture) must be preceded by ‘the great falling away’, 2 Thess 2:1,
5. Our ‘gathering together’ (rapture) must be preceded by ‘the man of sin’ sitting in the temple.
4. Jesus said the 'elect' would be gathered together immediately after the Tribulation. Matt. 24:29-31
3. Jesus says that 'tribulation martyrs' will reign for a thousand years … this is called a 'blessing for all who are included in the first resurrection' Rev 20:4-6.
2. We, the living believers, will not precede any of the deceased believers of the ages. The dead in Christ will rise first … including the ‘dead’ from the tribulation period.
1. God will use this time to complete the ‘mystery’ (a fact kept secret from OT prophets) Eph 3:3-6.
Rev 10.7. During this last period of time Israel, the broken off branches, will be grafted back into the stock (Jesus) and will become united with the church. Jews and Gentiles all in the same 'body'.
The Church will not be here for the Tribulation period because: ----
10. Church must be in heaven for marriage supper which happens during the 7 year tribulation period.
9. the H.S., our comforter, is removed from earth and Jesus promised to not leave us comfortless.
II Thess 2.7, Jn 14.18 so for this reason we, the church, leave along with the Holy Spirit.
8 The Rapture is sudden, secret & without warning ‘as a thief in the night’ .
7. The word ‘church’ does not appear between Rev Chapters 4-19.
6. The trib. is known as ‘the Wrath of God’ and we (the church) are not appointed to wrath (I Thess 5.9)
5. when John in Rev 4 heard the trumpet and words “Come up here”, John typifies the church going up.
4. God is a loving God and would never permit his people to go through the most difficult period in the history of this earth.
3. Because both Noah and Lot were taken out before the big destruction and we have Jesus’ own words to say it will be so when he returns.
2. Jesus will return when we do not expect him Mt 24:44. If he were to come back during or at the end of the tribulation we would be expecting him.
1. God will be dealing with Israel during that final 7 years which really belongs to the dispensation of Law. The church would just be in the way.
Top Ten Reasons in favor of a “later than Pre-Trib Rapture”:
The church will be here during the tribulation because:
10. We have a commission to reach all the world with the gospel – down to the last minute –Mt 28:20
9. Jesus needs to have a ‘spotless’ bride. Daniel 11:35, 12:10, Rev 19:7,8
8. She will not be raptured until the last (7th) trumpet. I Cor 15:52
7. Jesus told his disciples (part of the early church) that they would need to be prepared for this time:
Mt 24:12-14
6. Our ‘gathering together’ (rapture) must be preceded by ‘the great falling away’, 2 Thess 2:1,
5. Our ‘gathering together’ (rapture) must be preceded by ‘the man of sin’ sitting in the temple.
4. Jesus said the 'elect' would be gathered together immediately after the Tribulation. Matt. 24:29-31
3. Jesus says that 'tribulation martyrs' will reign for a thousand years … this is called a 'blessing for all who are included in the first resurrection' Rev 20:4-6.
2. We, the living believers, will not precede any of the deceased believers of the ages. The dead in Christ will rise first … including the ‘dead’ from the tribulation period.
1. God will use this time to complete the ‘mystery’ (a fact kept secret from OT prophets) Eph 3:3-6.
Rev 10.7. During this last period of time Israel, the broken off branches, will be grafted back into the stock (Jesus) and will become united with the church. Jews and Gentiles all in the same 'body'.