Study No. 16 – Seven Bowls of Wrath - Rev. 15 and 16
We ended the previous study having discussed the 'end' from God's perspective. He reffered to it as harvesting.
The earth's population had been reduced greatly in the seven year period preceding the end. In one huge battle ¼ of the world’s population died. This war apparently happens during the first half of the tribulation. (6:8).
Later during the second half of the tribulation the trumpet judgments begin to sound and many unbelievers die. Some die as the result of contaminated water (8:11). 1/3 of the population of the earth dies when the sixth trumpet sounds and the destroying angels pass through the land.
Believers are also dying during the second half of the tribulation. These are the ones who are being forced to receive 'the mark of the beast' but refuse to accept it. This number would include believers of every nation but very likely also include Jews who have accepted Jesus and make up that number, the 144,000.
As the seven year tribulation comes to a close, John describes the double harvest. First, after all of the martyrs have died, the believers who are still “alive and remain”[1] are ‘reaped’ by One like the Son of Man as He comes in the clouds[2]. Then, after the believers have all been reaped and are safely situated in heaven, a second harvest takes place. This harvest is called the battle of Armageddon and happens after a few things have taken place in heaven. One is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Another is the 'marriage of the Lamb. These events are happening in heaven at the end of the tribulation.
Specifically, the scripture in Revelation mentions the second half as being 42 months[3], or as being 1260[4] days in length. But the period of time which occurs immediately after the 1260 days is referred to by Daniel[5] as being 1290 days. As you can count for yourselves, this is 30 days longer than the same time period mentioned in Revelation. This is why we can say that we are with Jesus in heaven for 30 days following the 'harvest', until He returns to earth with all of his children, clothed in white.
In this study we are reading about seven bowls of the wrath of God which are about to be poured out on the earth. As one of the bowls is poured out we notice this statement – they did not repent (16:11). Why is this important? Simply because this tells us that the bowls of wrath occur (are poured out onto the earth) before the rapture, BEFORE the angel has said, “Time is up!”[6] There is still time to repent. The rapture, (the seventh trumpet) has not sounded. Therefore we know that the bowls of wrath are 'poured out' during the second half of the tribulation somewhere before the seventh trumpet. We have another important clue that the Holy Spirit has given us ... intentionally given us ... when He said, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"
Re 8:13
By looking closely at the intent of the last three trumpet blasts and comparing them to the seven bowls of wrath we will discover that all seven bowls are a detailed description of the last three woes.
Chapter 15 is rather short, but gives us a vivid preface to this awesome act of a loving God.
The scene is unfolding in heaven. As the seven angels line up to dispense the bowls of wrath we are given a picture of a glassy red sea of fire and people standing beside it. We are told that these are the ones who had victory over the beast. They did not take the number. And they died for their stand. They are described as victorious! Victorious ... over the beast[7]! Incredible! They have harps and are singing the song of Moses ... and the song of the Lamb. I believe the song of Moses was sung after victory over Pharaoh. What is the song of the Lamb? Perhaps it has to do with the victory acquired on Calvary. It is finished! Satan is defeated!
These continue praising the Lord and as they do ... heaven opens up.[8] The angels come and seemingly pour their bowls through the open 'window' onto the earth.
We will list the bowls individually here.
1. (chapter 16:1,2) First bowl is emptied onto the earth. Result: All who have taken the mark break out with sores.
2. (verses 3,4) The result of the second bowl ... is EVERY sea creature dies. ALL of the seas become blood. When trumpet number two sounded it affected[9] only 1/3 of the sea.
3. When Bowl three is poured on the fresh waters, it affects ALL the water. Trumpet number three affected only 1/3 of all fresh waters. Likely this happened earlier in the ministry of the two witnesses. This is different. It is nearer the end and is a direct result of the wrath of God. ( 5-7)
4. The fourth bowl is poured out and affects the sun. Temperature on earth is greatly increased. Unbelievers are expected to repent. (Even those who have taken the mark?)
5. The fifth bowl affects only the kingdom of the beast. I suppose we must assume that believers felt the heat of the previous bowl. The unbelievers blaspheme God. They are expected to repent. They are still experiencing the sores that broke out on them when the first bowl was poured out.
6. The sixth bowl is poured out on the Euphrates River and it dries up. There does not appear to be any specific pain or suffering from the results of this bowl. But the drying up of the river is part of the plan of God in pouring out his wrath on the Antichrist kingdom. Three demon spirits are described as coming out of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. This has been called the unholy trinity. Their purpose is to draw all the warriors of Satan's earthly kingdom to Armageddon.
Does Satan believe this will be his opportunity to destroy Christ? Does he know that Christ is about to descend to that place?
So all of the armies proceed to the valley of Megiddo, also called the valley of decision.10 As the armies from the east come toward Israel, it is with the intent to 'level' the playing field with the armies of Antichrist. As the armies are 'called' by the demons to go there, the Lord comes as a thief in the night (16:15) ... and the rapture takes place.
7. With believers now safely up in heaven ... the seventh bowl ... called the Fierceness of His Wrath ... is being poured out. The result:
a) Noises, thundering, lightning, incredible earthquake.
b) Great Babylon receives the 'fierceness', or the worst part of the wrath of God.
c) Every island disappears, as do the mountains.
d) A hail storm takes place ... each hail stone weighing about a hundred pounds.
Believers are in heaven at this time. The last bowl was designated for Babylon. But before the last battle is described, God wants to expand on the destruction of Babylon. The next chapter is going to do that. Also coming up in the next chapter is insight regarding the beast. Is it a man? Is it a kingdom? Who is the second beast? Who is Babylon? We hope to explore that in the next study.
[1] 1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
[2] Mt 24:31 "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
[3] Chapter 11:2 and 13:5
[4] Chapter 11:3 and 12:6
[5] Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
[6] Rev 10:6
[7] Re 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is
like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"
[8] Chapter 6:14 and 12:19
[9] Rev 8:8,9
[10] Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
15 The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.
The earth's population had been reduced greatly in the seven year period preceding the end. In one huge battle ¼ of the world’s population died. This war apparently happens during the first half of the tribulation. (6:8).
Later during the second half of the tribulation the trumpet judgments begin to sound and many unbelievers die. Some die as the result of contaminated water (8:11). 1/3 of the population of the earth dies when the sixth trumpet sounds and the destroying angels pass through the land.
Believers are also dying during the second half of the tribulation. These are the ones who are being forced to receive 'the mark of the beast' but refuse to accept it. This number would include believers of every nation but very likely also include Jews who have accepted Jesus and make up that number, the 144,000.
As the seven year tribulation comes to a close, John describes the double harvest. First, after all of the martyrs have died, the believers who are still “alive and remain”[1] are ‘reaped’ by One like the Son of Man as He comes in the clouds[2]. Then, after the believers have all been reaped and are safely situated in heaven, a second harvest takes place. This harvest is called the battle of Armageddon and happens after a few things have taken place in heaven. One is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Another is the 'marriage of the Lamb. These events are happening in heaven at the end of the tribulation.
Specifically, the scripture in Revelation mentions the second half as being 42 months[3], or as being 1260[4] days in length. But the period of time which occurs immediately after the 1260 days is referred to by Daniel[5] as being 1290 days. As you can count for yourselves, this is 30 days longer than the same time period mentioned in Revelation. This is why we can say that we are with Jesus in heaven for 30 days following the 'harvest', until He returns to earth with all of his children, clothed in white.
In this study we are reading about seven bowls of the wrath of God which are about to be poured out on the earth. As one of the bowls is poured out we notice this statement – they did not repent (16:11). Why is this important? Simply because this tells us that the bowls of wrath occur (are poured out onto the earth) before the rapture, BEFORE the angel has said, “Time is up!”[6] There is still time to repent. The rapture, (the seventh trumpet) has not sounded. Therefore we know that the bowls of wrath are 'poured out' during the second half of the tribulation somewhere before the seventh trumpet. We have another important clue that the Holy Spirit has given us ... intentionally given us ... when He said, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"
Re 8:13
By looking closely at the intent of the last three trumpet blasts and comparing them to the seven bowls of wrath we will discover that all seven bowls are a detailed description of the last three woes.
Chapter 15 is rather short, but gives us a vivid preface to this awesome act of a loving God.
The scene is unfolding in heaven. As the seven angels line up to dispense the bowls of wrath we are given a picture of a glassy red sea of fire and people standing beside it. We are told that these are the ones who had victory over the beast. They did not take the number. And they died for their stand. They are described as victorious! Victorious ... over the beast[7]! Incredible! They have harps and are singing the song of Moses ... and the song of the Lamb. I believe the song of Moses was sung after victory over Pharaoh. What is the song of the Lamb? Perhaps it has to do with the victory acquired on Calvary. It is finished! Satan is defeated!
These continue praising the Lord and as they do ... heaven opens up.[8] The angels come and seemingly pour their bowls through the open 'window' onto the earth.
We will list the bowls individually here.
1. (chapter 16:1,2) First bowl is emptied onto the earth. Result: All who have taken the mark break out with sores.
2. (verses 3,4) The result of the second bowl ... is EVERY sea creature dies. ALL of the seas become blood. When trumpet number two sounded it affected[9] only 1/3 of the sea.
3. When Bowl three is poured on the fresh waters, it affects ALL the water. Trumpet number three affected only 1/3 of all fresh waters. Likely this happened earlier in the ministry of the two witnesses. This is different. It is nearer the end and is a direct result of the wrath of God. ( 5-7)
4. The fourth bowl is poured out and affects the sun. Temperature on earth is greatly increased. Unbelievers are expected to repent. (Even those who have taken the mark?)
5. The fifth bowl affects only the kingdom of the beast. I suppose we must assume that believers felt the heat of the previous bowl. The unbelievers blaspheme God. They are expected to repent. They are still experiencing the sores that broke out on them when the first bowl was poured out.
6. The sixth bowl is poured out on the Euphrates River and it dries up. There does not appear to be any specific pain or suffering from the results of this bowl. But the drying up of the river is part of the plan of God in pouring out his wrath on the Antichrist kingdom. Three demon spirits are described as coming out of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. This has been called the unholy trinity. Their purpose is to draw all the warriors of Satan's earthly kingdom to Armageddon.
Does Satan believe this will be his opportunity to destroy Christ? Does he know that Christ is about to descend to that place?
So all of the armies proceed to the valley of Megiddo, also called the valley of decision.10 As the armies from the east come toward Israel, it is with the intent to 'level' the playing field with the armies of Antichrist. As the armies are 'called' by the demons to go there, the Lord comes as a thief in the night (16:15) ... and the rapture takes place.
7. With believers now safely up in heaven ... the seventh bowl ... called the Fierceness of His Wrath ... is being poured out. The result:
a) Noises, thundering, lightning, incredible earthquake.
b) Great Babylon receives the 'fierceness', or the worst part of the wrath of God.
c) Every island disappears, as do the mountains.
d) A hail storm takes place ... each hail stone weighing about a hundred pounds.
Believers are in heaven at this time. The last bowl was designated for Babylon. But before the last battle is described, God wants to expand on the destruction of Babylon. The next chapter is going to do that. Also coming up in the next chapter is insight regarding the beast. Is it a man? Is it a kingdom? Who is the second beast? Who is Babylon? We hope to explore that in the next study.
[1] 1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
[2] Mt 24:31 "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
[3] Chapter 11:2 and 13:5
[4] Chapter 11:3 and 12:6
[5] Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
[6] Rev 10:6
[7] Re 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is
like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"
[8] Chapter 6:14 and 12:19
[9] Rev 8:8,9
[10] Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
15 The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.